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The .community domain extension serves as a digital canvass for fostering online gathering spaces where ideas, insights, and shared interests converge. As a prominent archetype within the generic top-level domain (gTLD) spectrum, it offers an intuitive, memorable platform for entities aiming to cultivate a sense of belonging and engagement online. This domain is not just a URL—it's an invitation to collaborative spaces, forums for an altruistic try, and incubators for societal impact. Organizations, groups, and individuals eyeing to buy a domain that encapsulates the essence of collective synergy often find the .community domain to be an impeccable choice. The domain price varies across registrars, but the value it adds in terms of brand resonance and audience alignment is immeasurable.

History of .community Domain

Launched in 2014 by Donuts Inc., a global leader in high-quality, top-level domains, the .community domain was introduced to provide a dedicated online space for communities of all forms and scales. Donuts Inc., recognized for its expansive portfolio of domain extensions, envisioned the .community domain as a vehicle for promoting inclusivity, support, and collective engagement in the digital area. Since its inception, this domain has transcended geographical borders, enabling diverse groups to register a domain that reflects their communal spirit and objectives. The advent of the .community domain marked a significant milestone in the evolution of internet spaces, catering to the innate human desire for connection and shared purpose.

Use-cases and Applications of .community Domain

  • Nonprofit Organizations: Charitable entities leverage the .community domain to amplify their philanthropic missions, attract volunteers, and galvanize support for causes. It provides a credible platform for disseminating information and rallying communal action.
  • Local Clubs and Societies: From book clubs to environmental advocacy groups, the .community domain offers a fitting cyberspace to cultivate interests, disseminate resourceful content, and schedule events, fortifying the bonds among members.
  • Professional Associations: This domain serves as a cornerstone for professional bodies to centralize resources, share industry insights, and foster networking opportunities among practitioners, so enhancing their professional world.
  • Online Forums: A haven for dialogues, debates, and discussions, the .community domain enables the creation of online forums where members can dissect topics of mutual interest, share knowledge, and provide support in niche areas.
  • Alternative Use Cases: Beyond conventional applications, the .community domain also ventures into innovative territories such as virtual support groups, educational collectives, and cultural aggregations, demonstrating its versatility and adaptability to emergent digital congregation needs.

In summary, the .community domain extension emerges as a beacon of unity and shared try in the digital expanse. Its applications span traditional community-building ventures to contemporary online collaborations, underscoring its significant role in crafting spaces of engagement and belonging. To purchase or register this domain is to invest in a digital asset that resonates with collective aspirations, ensuring a profound and lasting impact on both the entity and its audience. With a prudent choice in domain extension, the bri

.community Domain Prices

Explore pricing options for .community domain name with trusted registrar, ensuring you find the perfect domain at an affordable cost.

39.99 USD39.99 USD39.99 USD
29.95 USD29.95 USD29.95 USD
45.60 EUR
3162.63 INR3799.00 INR3162.63 INR
25.80 USD25.80 USD25.80 USD
39.00 EUR


  • Domain Type:gTLD

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